Coaches' Corner
First of all, thank you for your commitment to our players and program. The key to youth sports is the setting at practices and games, where the coaches lead and mentor our youth.
Good coaching is the essential element to the goal of C.Y.O. athletics: the healthy development of our youth-emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually. Children that enjoy athletic competition and savor participation with a team of their peers, look up to good coaches as role models.
The attached "Being Present," below, captures the essence of the significance of coaching. Although the article's subject is a priest, the idea that the critical element to a child's attention is commitment and sincere interest, applies to coaching as well.
Thank you again for accepting this rewarding opportunity and responsibility.
Before your season begins, however, all coaches must be in compliance with two policies:
1. Archdiocese of Detroit (AOD) “Safe Environments Program.”
- There are two steps to comply with this program. First, attached below is the Criminal Background Check. This should be completed and dropped off at our parish office addressed to: Ms. Sue Siemiesz "AOD Safe Environments"
- You can also scan and email it to Ms. Siemiesz @ [email protected].
- Second, all coaches must complete the “Protecting God’s Children” workshop, and we must have a certificate of completion on file. This certificate should also be forwarded to Ms. Siemiesz.
- Here is a link to the AOD (Archdiocese of Detroit) website with background on the AOD’s “Safe Environments Program”: On that website, you will find a schedule of upcoming workshops at
- All coaches should schedule and attend one of these as soon as possible. We must have this completed before the season begins.
- In order to comply with a 2012 Michigan state law, coaches must become registered as completing an online training course on concussions.
Here’s an excerpt from an MHSAA memo:
“1. Adult coaches (paid or volunteer) and teachers of Physical Education class, must complete the established free online training course. There are two options on the MDCH website, one through the Center for Disease Control - CDC and one through the National Federation of State High School Associations ( These courses are the only options to fulfill the adult training requirement. Schools should collect and file the certificate of completion for each adult.”
Here is a link to the Michigan Dept. of Community Health website:,4612,7-132-54783_63943---,00.html
On that website, you’ll have a choice between two videos toward the middle/bottom of that MDCH web page:
“Youth Sports Training” - CDC "Heads Up" Concussion In Youth Sports
“High School Sports Training” - The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS)Training
These videos are approximately 30 minutes. There are some questions to complete after watching the video.
Note: Please be sure to print and/or save the certificate that is offered at the end of the training session. Please send a copy of that certificate to me.
Other matters to keep in mind:
Assistant Coaches. Assistant coaches must be in compliance with the two policies above. Assistant coaches must also keep in mind their role as secondary to the head coach, or manager, as the case may be: they must follow their lead, and not impose themselves as the team leader, unless asked to do so. Following the lead of the head coach, or manager, is essential for practice effectiveness and game success. Also, not recognizing and following their proper role leads to confusion amongst the team and players.
Spirit wear/Team Apparel. All apparel worn by our teams must be approved by parish administration. Please forward prototypes or digital renderings to me to expedite the process.
Practice facilities. Our CYO teams will only practice at fields and facilities as authorized by the OLS Athletic Department. The use of any field or facility other than OLS properties will not occur without proper permitting, authorization or lease agreement from the owner or organization.
Floor Maintenance. We want to maintain a high "performance level" for our gym floor...please make sure all of your players know that they must not wear shoes from outdoors onto the gym floor. Also, after each practice, please make sure the gym floor is swept with a clean, dry dust mop.
Practice Times. There should be no practices, scrimmages or non-league games scheduled on Sundays.
Athletics Communications. Where practicable, I should be included in all correspondences regarding OLS CYO matters. Please include me in your team email distribution/contact groups, etc.
Thank you all for all you do!
Go Saints!