Pregnancy Resources


dignity of life

A new life is always beautiful in God's eyes, but finding out that you're unexpectedly pregnant can feel overwhelming.  The following organizations are filled with people who want to help you.  We, the members of Our Lady of Sorrows Church, support many of these not-for-profit organizations so that nearly all of their services are free to you.  Please feel free to text us at (248) 939-4612 to let us know how we can pray for and further support you.

Support with Pregnancy
A Woman’s Pregnancy Choice
Call: 248-471-5858
31700 12 Mile Rd., Suite 102
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Problem Pregnancy Center
Call: 248-559-7440
Text: 248-397-4843
24500 Southfield Rd.
Southfield, MI 48075
Option Line
Free, confidential, live chat
Pregnancy helpline 1-800-712-4357
Or Text: “Line” or “Helpline” to 313131
Project Hope
Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan
248-548-4044 ext. 4016
National Safe Haven Alliance
Lending a helping hand during unplanned pregnancy
The Safe Haven Laws allow a parent to anonymously surrender their unharmed infant to a designated Safe Haven provider within a specific time after birth.
24/7 Crisis Hotline: Call 1-888-510-BABY or text SAFEHAVEN to 313131
Support with Housing Needs
Mary’s Mantle
Call: 248-376-5338
Provides housing for homeless
expectant women
Gianna House
Call: 586-445-0440
Provides housing for homeless expectant women
Grace Centers of Hope
1-855-HELP-GCH (1-855-435-7424)
Emergency housing for homeless or
victims of domestic violence

Help in the D

Health, Housing, Material Assistance, Childcare & Parenting, Counseling


Support Students
Project Rosie
Referrals for Housing, food assistance, health centers,
student financial aid, adoption or child care
Pregnant on Campus
Explains federal rights of students
to be pregnant and to be parents

Women Deserve Better

Practical resources and Inspirational stories from women and men

Support After Abortion
Rachel's Vineyard
Confidential, non-judgmental & Supportive retreats for Abortion healing
Abortion Pill Reversal
Live chat, Or helpline at 877-558-0333
Abortion Pill Rescue will connect you with a medical professional that will guide you
Project Rachel
or  888-456-HOPE (4673)
Silent No More
Abortion Forgiveness
Provides healing resources for both men and women